Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Resolution: accomplished!!

As if it were planned this way, my pen failed on the very last study day of my first yar of law school. The Pike Balancing Test, and whether the burdens a state puts on interstate commerce are clearly excessive in relation to the benefits that accrue to the state as a result will hold a special place in my heart for the rest of my life. Gads, what a freaking geek I've become. Somebody, give me a wedgie now.

Anyway, turns out I way overestimated how long it would last, or underestimated how much writing Con Law would involve. In either event, I believe this is the first new year's resolution I have ever followed through with, and I'm sure it's the first time I've ever used a throw away pen until it was completely out of ink without losing it. Now, if I could just make and follow through with a meaningful goal...


Sister Pottymouth said...

Woohooo!!! Such resolve...such endurance...such nerdiness. I weep at the thought. But congrats anyway on keeping your goal. It was, uh, inspiring.

Kactiguy said...

You ask for wedgie, I can deliver.

Lorien said...

I have thought of you several times this year (about 3) as I have disposed of each of my depleted Uniball Vision Elite pens.

The Dally Llama said...

Totally different. You can blow through those things in no time. And quit trying to cheapen my victory.

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