Monday, February 16, 2009

All work and no play makes Dallas a dull boy

Apparently there are still a few folks out there who bother to check this blog. I'm not sure why, because I really haven't had anything worth posting since I had the incredibly bad judgment to ask for a third shot of pepper spray. But I thank you for your persistence in checking up.

So, by way of update, I'm getting ready to take the bar. It's next week on the 24th and 25th of this month. Read: one week from tomorrow. That means that for the last couple of months, I've done precious little other than sit on my butt and study law, the vast majority of which I will never need to know again in my life. Basically, it's a twisted form of hazing, as far as I can tell. Anyway, that's enough whining about it out of me. I knew what it was when I picked it up.

Anyway, I thought I'd make an effort to start blogging at least more than semi-annually. If I have any thoughts worth posting in the future, you'll be the first to know. This was just a quick note to notify the blogosphere that I'm not dead. I'm still boring, but I'm not dead.


Lindsay Jane said...

I've missed your blogging...and I think you are a little more boring since studying for the bar. Let's get that stupid thing over with so we can hang out.

Lyle said...

it's okay to be death, slightly warmed over. Your blog and readers will still be here when your blog calls.

Charlotta-love said...

Good luck next week!

Anonymous said...

You'll own that test. When it's over, you'll wonder what all the fuss was about.

The Dally Llama said...

Thanks all for the encouragement. Gonna be very nice to have this beast behind me (but even nicer if I pass).

Nakita Ellis said...

Good boy Dallas! Thanks for blogging.

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