Friday, March 28, 2008

The newest, awesomest page on the interweb

My sister just emailed me this link. It's her youngest son's blog. He's one of the funniest kids, and is about 10 times as creative as I ever dreamed of being, and comes up with awesome stuff. I don't know how frequently he'll post stuff (hopefully more frequently than his mother does), but this page will be well worth keeping an eye on.

Max's blog.

It will now be a permanent fixture in my links on this page. -->

Good work, Max. You're easily the most creative kid I've ever even heard of.


Nakita Ellis said...

WOW! Your nephew ROCKS!!! I love his blog. My favorite was his tree and then a knife to cut down the tree. HAHA! CLASSIC!

The Dally Llama said...

Yeah, that was probably my favorite too. I mean, what good is a knife if you don't have a tree to cut down with it?

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