Saturday, August 12, 2006

Star Struck

So I was just up at Sundance to watch a concert. I was walking up to the ampitheater with my parents when I noticed Ben Stiller and his wife standing in front of us. We were trying to play it cool, because that's what we do in our family, and not stare, or act like gushing morons seeing a movie star for the first time. Or at least, I like to think that's the case. The truth of it is that we were trying to play it cool, but we all rubbernecked at one point or another. At one point, my dad turned around to look at them again, and then turned back around and said, "Huh. He's not that big of a guy, is he?" Nothing too bad about that I guess, except for the fact that I'm fairly confident that they heard him say it. Good one, dad. Good one.

It made me stop and think though. I'm glad I'm not a celebrity. Stuff like that would have to get old. I mean, I'm in the limelight enough as is for being unbelievably gorgeous. Imagine if I not only had that attention, but the attention of everyone wanting to look at me because I was a star, and not simply because I'm as good looking as I am. I just don't think I could handle it.

Believe me, when you look as good as this, life is much rougher than you might think.


Lorien said...

hey good lookin. I'd rubberneck at you, but that would just be plain creepy.

willus said...

Dallas likes to pretend he doesn't like to be a tourist, stick out like a sore thumb, or rubberneck shamelessly but after visiting all of the worlds enhabited continents, he might someday realize....he is a tourist. I'll buy you a good looking hawaiian shirt if you want.

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